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Law Certificate Programs

法学院为希望在某一特定法律领域发展专业知识的学生提供证书. 证书颁发给完成所有毕业要求并在以下领域完成额外课程的学生.



Group kayaking over a swamp

Students in their second and third year may elect to specialize in environmental law, earning a Certificate in Environmental Law.  在毕业时达到证书要求的学生将在他们的成绩单上注明这一区别,并获得证书.

该证书课程旨在表彰那些致力于这一迷人而具有挑战性的研究领域的学生. But it is also intended to leave room to take other important core courses. 我们坚信,一个人必须先成为一名优秀的律师,才能成为一名有效的环境律师.

Certificate Requirements

Certificate Audit Form


国际法律研究证书旨在帮助法律系学生为新兴的全球经济中的职业生涯做好准备. 选择完成该证书要求的学生将获得对国际法律秩序概念框架的理解, and will receive a special certificate at graduation.


Certificate Requirements

Certificate Audit Form

Two students looking at laptop on outdoor table

The College of Law offers a Law, Technology, 以及创业证书,以满足就业市场对为企业家提供咨询的训练有素的律师日益增长的需求. 完成证书的法律专业学生毕业时也可以具备成为企业家所需的技能.

该证书所要求的课程提供了关于商业创造和技术问题的培训.  On the business side, 学生完成商业组织(LAW L746)和商业规划研讨会(LAW L867)。.  In the seminar, 学生学习每一步需要创建一个企业从最初的概念到最后的合并.  Students are also encouraged to join the Entrepreneurship Project (LAW L880), 哪些课程既能让学生在获得学分的同时,还能为当地初创企业提供法律和商业需求方面的建议.

On the technology side, students earning the certificate take Intellectual Property (LAW L801) and the Law & Technology Seminar (LAW L967).  该研讨会为学生提供了有关现代数字技术和法律理论的概述. Students will obtain an overview of both network and application technologies.  本课程还将涵盖这些技术与知识产权法相关方面的交叉, privacy law, Internet law, business law and communications law.

Students can also participate in the Technology and Legal Innovation Clinic (LAW L897).  In this clinic, 学生设计和实施旨在协助法律从业人员和增加获得司法公正的技术项目. 学生学习编写软件代码和处理数据,然后将这些技能应用于解决现实世界的法律问题.

法学院通过定期邀请包括企业家在内的演讲者来补充证书课程, 501(c)(3) organizations that focus on supporting entrepreneurial activity, governmental agencies and departments that focus on economic development, and members of the local technology community.

Certificate Requirements

Certificate Audit Form

Professor Andrea Armstrong presenting to class
Professor Andrea Armstrong

社会正义证书课程旨在通过耶稣会的理想认识和加强推进社会正义和追求学术卓越的洛约拉的核心使命.  Through hands-on experience and focused academic study, 学生将更有能力在非营利组织和政府机构中有效地倡导社会正义, 同时也为学生对社会公正、奖学金项目和未来雇主的承诺提供了一个强烈的信号.  经验部分要求学生完成相当于一学年的法律工作,以解决穷人和边缘化群体的需求.  理论部分侧重于法律和政策框架,这些框架为穷人和边缘化群体提供权利和机会.

Learn More
Certificate Requirements
Certificate Audit Form
Fact Sheet

Additional Resources

Stuart H. Smith Law Clinic and Center for Social Justice
Gillis Long Poverty Law Center
The Office of Skills and Experiential Learning

Students in their second and third year may elect to specialize in tax law, earning a Certificate in Tax Law. 在毕业时达到证书要求的学生将在他们的成绩单上注明这一区别,并获得证书.

这个证书课程是为那些致力于税法深入研究的学生设计的, 愿意花时间帮助低收入纳税人准备个人所得税申报表,并愿意解决执业税务律师在私人或政府实践中遇到的问题.

Certificate Requirements

Certificate Audit Form

Immigration professor Hiroko Kusuda
Immigration professor Hiroko Kusuda

洛约拉法律的移民和公民法律与实践证书通过强调核心学术课程中的体验式学习和需要两个学期的移民诊所来培养专业实践技能.  获得证书的学生已经完成了为移民法领域的实践提供基础的课程, asylum and refugee law, and citizenship and naturalization law.

该证书课程进一步推动了法学院为社会正义而努力的核心使命,并使致力于公共利益工作的学生在毕业时获得证书,以表彰他们的承诺和工作.  The program strives to meet the need for immigration expertise in the local, state and national community.

Certificate program students include Mary Kate Richardson, Class of 2018, selected as one of 25 Immigrant Justice Corps Fellows this year, who will be working with the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Legal Services (RAICES) Family Detention program after she graduates; Allison Sickle, Class of 2018, selected to serve a two year clerkship with the New Orleans Immigration Court; Maria Deguzman, Class of 2016, US Navy JAG Corps; and Kaitlin Locascio, Class of 2016, Catholic Charities Immigration Services New Orleans.

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Certificate Requirements
Enrichment Opportunities
Certificate Audit Form
Full Certificate Details

学生可以选择专注于卫生法领域,并在毕业时获得卫生法证书. To receive the Certificate in Health Law, a candidate, who has taken the required course of Business Organizations, must also successfully complete twelve additional hours of course work, as described in the Certificate Requirements. 

Contact Dean Algero for more information

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Certificate Requirements
Certificate Audit Form